Saturday 28 May 2011

Element Anti-Virus 2011 (FOR SP3)

It's important to run security software whenever you're using your computer. Spyware, viruses and other potentially unwanted software can try to install itself on your computer any time you connect to the Internet. It can also infect your computer when you install some programs using a CD, DVD, or other removable media.

Potentially unwanted or malicious software can also be programmed to run at unexpected times, not just when it is installed. Element Anti-Virus offers many ways to help keep spyware, viruses and other potentially unwanted software from infecting your computer.

Element Anti-Virus is an upcoming next gen Antivirus for Windows that provides 4 in 1 system protection including features such as PC Security, Automatic backup and restore, PC Optimization and Anti-Phishing, all for an incredibly low price.


Four-in-one protection and PC maintenance:
· Element Anti-Virus protects your PC from cyber-threats, and helps improve your PC's performance, and can help prevent identity theft, all in one, low cost package.

Protects your photos, documents, music and videos from data loss:
· Element Anti-Virus automatic backup and restore prevents you from losing your digital memories, favourite music and important documents.

Protects against zero day threats and exploits:
· Element Anti-Virus protects your PC by patching potential exploits, immunizes against bad websites and malware, and provides unmatched protection against zero day threats thanks to built in heuristics and powerful algorithms.

System Requirements:

· 800MHz Processor
· 256MB RAM
· Broadband Internet Connection
· .NET Framework 2.0 on XP


· Some features will run in reduced functionality mode
· Nag screen


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